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Stewardship & Endowment

Theology of giving

Our church is first and foremost about creating disciples of Jesus Christ. We value discipleship and teach generosity as an integral part of our members journey as Christ's disciples. We know to grow giving to the next level requires celebrating stories of life changing results from our ministries. We thank our members for their giving and encourage generosity as a transformational experience.  

We ask our members for their financial support in various ways, online, pledging, and special asks to support our church's general fund, capital fund and legacy giving to grow out endowment fund.

We know generosity is fundamentally a spiritual issue - not a financial one. In short, we want to develop our people into spiritual giants who give off all that they are and have.

"It is not an easy thing to give back to God all that we have received... This work week will require all our wisdom, perservereance, patience and faithfulness. Good stewardship requires moe than we naturally have within ourselves but not more than we receive from grace. God's grace is sufficient for us, and we know that all things can be done for the one who believes."
-John Wesley, Founder of the United Methodist Church 

My legacy endowment fund

What is the "My Legacy" Parmanent Endowment Fund?
A fund established to provide members and friends of the Dade City First United Methodist Church with the opportunity to make charitable gifts over and above their regular giving to the church that will become a permanent endowment for the support of the ministries of the church. This ensures each gift will make a long lasting contribution throughout the life of the church and become a legacy for the donor.

Who Manages This Fund?
The Dade City United Methodist Permanent Endowment Fund Committee administers this fund on an ongoing basis and distributions are made based on the committee's recommendations with the approval of church leadership. A financial report is presented to the Charge Conference each year and is included in the annual audit of church funds.

The investments are professionally managed through the Florida United Methodist Foundation Inc. in Lakeland, Florida. The Foundation also provides information to individual donors on estate planning and establishment of charitable Gift annuities.

How Can I Get More Information?
If you desire further information about the Permanent Endowment Funds Program or are interested in making any special gifts to the church we invite you to discuss this with our Pastor, Stewardship Chairman, or a member of the Endowment Fund Committee who have been spearheading this effort. Please also feel free to reach out to the church office. 

Types of assets

Gifts of any size and types are welcome. Gifts such as cash, insurance policies, annuities and public traded securities may be done without restrictions. Closely held securities, real property, intangible personal property maybe gifted with approval from church leadership. Gifts to the endowment fund are considered a tax deduction donation. Gifting from your IRA RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) allows you to meet the annual RMD requirements while treating the distribution as tax free.