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Worship Involvement

acolyte & Communion Attendants

The word acolyte simply means "helper," and an acolyte at Dade City First UMC helps during the worship services at 9 or 11am.  Younger acolytes, who are in grades Kindergarten through 5th, help light the candles on the altar at the beginning of either worship service.  Older acolytes, who are a part of our youth group (grades 6-12), help to light the candles and serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.  We call these older acolytes "Communion Attendants." We hold a training for acolytes and communion attendants in the Fall, and as needed throughout the year.  Each quarter we have fun events for our acolytes, and we hope you'll be a part of this helpful ministry at DCFUMC!

Altar Guild

Worship is a team effort.  It takes musicians, speakers, audio and video helpers, ushers, greeters, and a congregation to make worship happen each and every week.  there is also a creative dimension, designing the space to invite the worshipers into God's presence.  The altar guild helps to set up the altar tables in both services each week with flowers and other decorations, and also for Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.  

If you're interested in becoming a part of the altar guild, please let Pastor Robert know & email him at

Ushers & Greeters

Coming into a new church during worship can be hard, and it always helps to have a friendly face to welcome you when you come in who can give you a bulletin and help answer questions you may have.  They can also help you find a seat, or show you where important things are.  Our Ushers & Greeters serve in the "ministry of first impressions" as people enter the Sanctuary or the CLC for worship.  They also help direct traffic on Communion Sundays and collect the offering.  

We're always looking for smiling faces, so please email if you're interested in volunteering to be an usher!