Our Connected Kids Children's Ministry is devoted to creating a Christ-centered environment where children experience the love of God through everyone they meet. Our active calendar of weekly programs and special events encourage faith development and offer resources for families to grow closer to each other and God. We can't wait to welcome your family!
Knowing. Growing. Showing God's Love.
About our team
Our Connected Kids ministry team is passionate about making all children feel welcome by creating a fun and engaging space to KNOW Jesus, GROW in our faith, and SHOW others the love of God. Offering a safe space for children is first and foremost. All staff members, as well as volunteers, undergo background screenings and participate in annual Child and Youth Protection Trainings.
Weekly events
Children's Church
Sundays, 9am & 11am
We believe it is important for families to worship together and for children to experience the traditions of the worship service. We also know, when you're little, sitting in one place for too long can be really tough! Children are encouraged to sit with their family during the beginning of worship, then at a designated time during the service, children will be dismissed for Children's Church for an energetic lesson, games, and activities. Look for a Connected Kids ministry team member to greet you before the worship service begins and answer any questions.
POWER UP Kids Sunday School
Sundays, 10am
Children in preschool through 5th grade are invited to join us every Sunday from 10:00-10:45 am for Power Up Kids. Meeting in the upstairs Education Building, each Sunday is filled with games, friends, and scripture lessons. Come "Power Up" for your week with God!
Wednesday RECHARGE Kids
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm
After Fellowship Wednesday Dinners, children in preschool through 5th grade are invited to stay for games, scripture lessons, worship, music, and more! It's a great time to pause midweek and "Recharge" with God!